
Mongolia in the News


In addition, a mass protest was held in UB this week - demanding the government meets its campaign promises...The Government asked the local media not, NOT to cover these protests in fear that it would incite violence and general pandemonium. So, the international news did their journalistic duties by reporting the protests (of 5,000 mostly rural and poor) and also noted that sale of alcohol was banned that day, again, in fear that demonstrators would become violent. We experienced thsi first hand when we ordered wine at dinner that day and the waiter returned to tell us no wine. Beer? No. cocktail, No. It seemed arbitrary at the time and lack of communication in a common language limited explanations.

Thankfully, we're able to turn to the international media to help us understand what's going on in the city in which we reside.

FYI First of every month is also 'no sale of alcohol'

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